8 Etsy Shops We Love #StandWithSmall

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Today I am sharing Etsy shops we love and why. I am also sharing why I am standing with small! Have you heard of Stand With Small? The #StandWithSmall campaign was started by Etsy to help support small creative business owners. With all that is going on right now, doing something to help someone else feels good! There are a lot of ways we can make a difference and this is just one of the ways! 

Etsy Shops

#StandWithSmall 8 Etsy Shops We Love Right Now & Why! DearCreatives.com

I have plenty of wishlists and favorites on Etsy! I have always loved supporting the handmade community. Now, you can too with the #StandWithSmall campaign. 


I was asked to share Etsy shops I love and to get the word out about supporting creative business owners. This collaboration is with Etsy and includes affiliate links. 

Etsy Shops

Shop Etsy shops and support small creative business owners. Right now you can #StandWithSmall to support the makers. Here's a list of our favorites, which just might be some of the Best Etsy Shops. See why we love these shops!

Why not make your own wish list? Be inspired and find shops you love by going behind the scenes with some of the inspiring small business owners with shops on Etsy right here, by visiting the #Stand With Small campaign.

Join us in supporting their creativity and small business because right now, they need it now more than ever.

Things I have purchased on Etsy have been printable banners and favors for baby showers, fabric, patterns, crafts supplies, DIY beauty supplies, graphics, felt, stuff for my home, t-shirts, jewelry, gifts and so much more! Finding handmade things and supporting the makers make me feel good about what I am buying.

What are your favorite things to find on Etsy?

  • Let me know what your favorite Etsy shop is on social media by sending me a tweet @DearCreatives or commenting on our Facebook page.
  • PS If you need facemasks because you don’t sew you can find (FACEMASKS) with and without filters handmade by Etsy artisans and stocked in their shops, many with free shipping. 
  • If you want to see more of my Etsy favorites, Favorite Shops, and Lists visit (here). 

Hop on over to #StandWithSmall to see the Editor’s Picks or shop for things you need

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