
Pecan Desserts Perfect for Holiday Making!

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I have a few more dessert recipes  for you today, tomorrow will be our Feature Friday, then next week some posts about the best hostess gifts ( of course some are handmade ) and more! If you haven’t linked up there is still time to add your creative posts, recipes… on our weekly link up each Friday of the week! Today I wanted to share with you a few more pecan desserts and baking recipes I found. I am also sharing a Pecan Praline Family Recipe!

Now pecan was one of my grandma and mom’s favorites for the holidays. Although they are no longer with us, in the spirit of their memory I love adding dishes that remind me of them during the holidays! I think these recipes would make them smile!

  •  A family Pecan Praline recipe is at end of post,  it is printable / save format from me to you!

Pecan Pie_pies

Now when we think of traditions, memories and Thanksgiving a Pecan Pie would be the dessert front center! Doesn’t it just look yummy?

  • Recipe from Joy of Cooking for a Chocolate Pecan Pie
  • A traditional recipe is further in the post

My grandma’s favorites for holidays such as Thanksgiving and Christmas were Pecan Tassies! Little bite sized cups of heaven! As kids we never counted, we just ate them until the tray was empty! So much for being healthy! Such treats were often a free for all until we could eat no more. I must say I have a bit more restraint now. My favorite Pecan Tassie Recipe is from the Joy of  Cooking

Glorious Treats / Pinterest

As I mentioned yesterday we will be traveling to have our Thanksgiving. So this might be the perfect dessert to fare a ride in the car as still look pretty. Today I am also sharing one of my mom’s recipes.

Pecan Holiday Dessert and Baking Recipe Options That Caught My Eye:

Now for one of  my mom’s recipe just copied down on paper. I don’t know where she got it from, so if you recognize it please let me know!

 Pecan Pralines Recipe


  • 1 cup maple syrup
  • 2 cups sugar
  • 2/3 heavy cream

Cook: until candy thermometer registers 234*F. Remove from heat. Cook to lukewarm. Beat Vigorously for 2 minutes.

Stir in:

  • 2 cups pecan halves

Drop by teaspoon on wax paper. Cool thoroughly.


If you share this please link back to me & this site. Let me know if you try it  and if you enjoyed it! * for the printable version you must use the specific link when sharing!

Are you traveling or hosting? What is your favorite baked good or dessert for Thanksgiving?

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    1. Hi Sheri, Your welcome.I hope you get a chance to try one of the recipes or share one of your own!

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