
The Best Apple Desserts You Must Make!

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We love fall and winter baking. Do you? How about Apple Desserts. When planning any gatherings we love having recipe options. It is always a good idea. Today we are sharing the best apples dessert recipes to pick from. Are you ready to try a new apple recipe? This list of apple recipes is sure to please. If you are looking for other fall recipes be sure to check out our other recipes.

What makes you an apple fan? For me, it’s having lived on a small ranch with apple trees. I have memories of baking apple pies with my grandma from our harvests. Although I don’t live on a ranch anymore I enjoy getting apples from our local farm stands and grocery stores to make dessert recipes…

Apple Desserts

The Best Apple Recipes 2

 The Best Apple Dessert Recipes

  1. Classic Apple Pie Recipe via theadventurebite
  2. Apple Cider Donuts via connoisseurusveg
  3. Apple Cheddar Quick Bread via simplystacie
  4. Caramel Apple Sauce via anaiminghighwife
  5. Easy Mason Jar Apple Crisp via dearcreatives
  6. Easy Homemade Apple Pie via kellystilwell
  7. Whole grain apple oatmeal muffins  via lavendeandlemonade
  8. Apple & cheddar quesadillas via gluesticksandgumdrops
  9. Apple maple pudding via simplystacie 
  10. Green apple salmon avocado salad via greenhealthycooking
  11. Apple crisp pie recipe via mothers-home
  12. 10 Unique apple desserts for fall via thefrugalfoodiemama

Easy Dessert Recipe |Praline Crunch Apple Cake

Praline Crunch Apple Cake

Muffin recipe | Apple Cider Muffins and cinnamon sticks next to apples

You might enjoy this recipe for Harvest Apple Cider Muffins

Apple Candle DIY

You might also like this apple candle diy via designertrapped

Good dessert recipes don’t have to be complicated to be a hit with the crowd. In my eyes, baked apple desserts can be the most delicious desserts. There are so many great options. For me apple pie, apple crisp, apple cakes, and apple bread are just some of my favorites. What’s yours? 

Need more options? Try any of these other fall dessert recipes

What type of apples and apple desserts are your favorites?

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  1. What a GREAT surprise Theresa !!
    I came to check because I love apple-desserts, and I find that you also included one of mine
    THANKS !!
    I’d like also to wish you and your family a wonderful Thanksgiving 🙂

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