Cloth & Felt Birthday Lovin

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Hello Dear Readers, I have to admit it almost feels like I am all over the place with inspiration. “sigh”
What can I say. If I see something I think might interest you I share it. I never get bored looking at inspiration and the last few weeks I have gotten caught up on just that! I promise to share some of my own goodies soon! But in the mean time this is a project an Italian blogger made. A little house of felt and a birthday card from fabric and felt.

Covered fabric buttons, fabric and felt birthday card, pure goodness all wrapped up and given to some lucky girl! No tutorial for this just inspiration, but she does have tutorials on her blog. The link is shared above.

Now I still have a little girl at home and a lovely grand baby by my second youngest daughter and I am really wanting to make them cloth birthday cards and a felt something to go with their gifts. Luckily I have until April for Audrey and May for my Sammie! Shh h, don’t let the cat out of the bag!
Have you ever made a cloth birthday card? Is this something you would want to try? If I make one of my own designs would you like a tutorial? or pattern? Do tell~

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