Contemplating you say. Yes, after being under the weather with the achy, chills, fever & major headaches since Thanksgiving that is just what I am doing! This is how it all began: I had managed to get all the shopping & cooking done, serve the dinner, eat a little with the family and then I went to lay down to get rid of a headache for I thought for 15 minutes when ca-pow! Two hours slipped by & then when I awoke the tree was up with lights on it and the decorating began. I ended up watching and finishing details just last night. This is actually the first day I can say I actually feel better, but not 100%. Now I am contemplating where to get caught up first. Of course the laundry is up there on the list & telling my blogging friends I haven’t gone away. So my posts are sparse this week but I hope you understand. I feel like I have been in the land of the lost & one thing is for sure I don’t want to go back!! I will count my blessings today as what ever I had has seemed to have passed and cross my fingers no one else will get sick. If I had a magic wand I would rid the land of illness and suffering~ but, since I don’t I just wish you good health this season & hope this finds you well.
Have you managed to stay well and creative this past week?
Sickness comes on horseback but departs on foot. ~Danish Proverb sometimes attributed to William C. Hazlitt