Google Friend Connect Ways to Deal With Changes

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Dear Creatives, As I am sure many of you have heard as of March Google is no longer having Google Friend Connect for non Blogger Accounts. I have listed a how to send a newsletter to your readers so you can share alternative ways for them to stay connected with you, along with some great articles that will help you with the transition & explain more about Google +.

I wanted to share what I sent to my GFC readers, I hope everyone is aware of the changes & why I have made them here by removing my GFC widget. In the letter you will see my Google Friend Connect Alternatives & links on how to sign up for the site. Below  the letter are articles that will help you &  a how to send a newsletter from GFC.

Dear Readers,

As you know in March Google is no longer having Google Friend Connect. I wanted to share with you some of the ways you can stay in touch with Dear Creatives that you signed up for via GFC. I have taken down the GFC widget as they keep disconnecting it. I wanted to thank you for your readership & hope you stay connected from any of these 5 ways:

Subscribe to Rss feed & read in a reader


Hello Cotton

Networked Blogs

Join me in the Blog Frog Network *easy to join & participate in Dear Creatives Community

Facebook Fan Page (new)


(& I am sure Google wants us to go to Google+ but I haven’t figured out if you can add in your Rss Feed so unless I am updating consistantly, you won’t see the blog posts daily! But, it is a great way to stay connected! )

Again, Thank you dear  readers your comments & visits have meant so much to me. I hope you don’t lose touch! (when I sent my letter I forgot to mention Blog Frog & Google +) but here they are linked for signing up for you.

How To Create a Google Friend Connect Newsletter:

If you haven’t disconnected your widget & are going to you can also send out a newsletter. Let me share how for those who don’t know how to.

  • sign into your email that you started your GFC Widget with
  • Go to GFC Admin site
  • You should see your site on the side bar click on site you want to send letter to
  • Click on send a newsletter
  • compose letter, check boxes that apply, send to readers, preview & send. Its very simple to use.


One thing I will miss is the analytical data you can view from GFC I had put a survey for when people signed up on what interests you had. I will have to place a poll or questioner at some point to continue to know your interests. This was the data I received from you my readers:

Sewing 17%

Diy 17%

Holiday Tutorials 11%

Crafts 29%

Other 3%

As you see this could be quite helpful. There is/was other data too.Now I don’t know that any of the other networks do that. I will have to check into it. Here is a link of articles to read about the changes, so if you blog you might like to plan your changes prior to March & let your readers know to make the changes prior to the big day.

Tips & Articles to help with Changes:

Google + Search Plus article from the official Google Blog (located on side bar are many categorized articles you may also find helpful)

Google+ Google ( keeping current)

MomMadeItLookSoEasy tutorial for GFC alternatives ( this shows images & also how Blogger readers can add your site right into their dashboard for reading! another alternative)

How to move your readers from GFCvia Mom Comm

Google + 10 Tips via Mashable

Google+ Article from Hub Spot on business pages

Google+ Direct Connect

Google Announcement of Changes & suggestions (article from the announcement of changes coming)

Google + 4 ways to build a community page

Create your Google+ page

I hope this helps you with the transition!

As of April Picnik (A photo editing site ) & that site will no longer be available. They have already purchased Picnik & it has been in the works to be closed. If you are a member you have probably been notified of these changes. * more about Picnik in another post. Subscribe to Rss feed to not miss a thing.

How are you connecting with your readers & dealing the change? Are you giving them options?






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