International Women’s Day 20 Ways To Celebrate And Inspire
International Women’s Day – Is every year on March 8th. So I updated how you can plan, support, and celebrate International Women’s Day. Get your happy on its time to celebrate women! Ladies celebrate you, guys celebrate them, moms or dads inspire your daughters, everyone let’s celebrate all women. Find out what this day dedicated to women is all about. Each year there is a different theme and this year’s theme is #BreakTheBias.
Ask yourself; What does it mean to you? Who inspired you? How do you celebrate it? How can you help women? How can we keep moving forward as women?
Celebrate all the women that paved the way, lent you a hand, and inspired you. Celebrate all the women that are inspiring you now. Below we have simple ways you can celebrate International Women’s Day! Find resources for International Women’s Day to help you plan activities and talk about the subject.
International Women’s Day
When is International Women’s Day?
- March 8th is International Women’s Day
Did you know that International Women’s Day was started in 1909, suggested, and promoted by (SBA) to be an annual celebration by women for women’s rights in 1910? You can read all the history and see the images here. In 1975 The United Nations adopted this celebration. IWD is March 8th day. In some places, a protest or a day of celebration of womanhood. *ref
Each year the UN gives the celebration a theme.
What’s is the 2022 International Women’s Day Theme?
- Imagine a gender-equal world. A world that is free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that’s diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women’s equality. Collectively we can all Break The Bias.
Resources for this year’s International Women’s Day
Think Equal, Build Smart, Innovate for Change
What color is for IWD?
- Purple
- This year’s International Women’s Day Video for Break The Bias.
As women, I’d like to think we have come a long way; but, have we? I see that we have so far to go.
- My grandmas didn’t drive and one wasn’t educated past the 3rd grade; Women didn’t have it easy in this era or before. In the ’40-the ’50s.
- My mom was educated and made half of what a man in the same field made. In the late ’50s and ’60s.
- I held a corporate job for years my wages were not equal to what a man was given for the same job or a job under me. I also had one boss try to unethically slide me out for a man to take my position. (which backfired on them) The ’80s and ’90s.
- My daughters and I all have seen firsthand corporate structure with non-equality and not equal pay to this day. in the 2000s.
- Sammie (my youngest) is the only girl in some of her science, engineering, and advanced computer science classes. 2019 (Million Women Mentors – STEM)
How can equality continue to change faster and better?
The previous hashtag for IWD#balanceforbetter This year’s hashtag for IWD is #BreakTheBias
Be a supporter of change
- If you have daughter’s talk to them about International Women’s Day.
- Talk to your daughters about paving the path of their dreams and how that can be achieved. Don’t know how to help them? 12 Tips for Getting Into the College of Your Choice
- Mentoring is vital.
- Creating a world of equality for ALL is vital.
- It’s important to voice discrimination and celebrate women’s achievements.
- It’s also important to be a good role model and to give back to others as we propel forward.
- Are you a girl scout troop leader? Use these materials and resources for girl guides and girl scouts.
- Are you talking with school-age kids about IWD? IWD Activity Cards and resources.
- Watch this video about breaking the bias.
Think equal, build smart, innovate for change
— UN Secretary-General, António Guterres *ref
How to show solidarity for women on International Women’s Day?
- Wear purple
- Strike a Pose (#balanceforbetter 2019 Theme)
- Join an event
- Create your own event
- Use the current hashtag
- Create artwork celebrating women like @heatherpowersart – Instagram
- Read books about inspiring women
- Get books to read your kids about important women in history
- Keep reaching, trying, and achieving your goals
- Encourage your daughters to take advanced math, computer science, and science (join school STEM programs)
- Find a mentor or be a mentor (lean-in mentor her) (women-ahead #driveprogress) Why mentor? (4 Ways Mentoring Women Can Change The World)
- Start a mentorship program in your company
- Start a business (with women or be the boss woman)
- Support a women’s owned business
- Inspire other women one post at a time on Instagram; like @CleoWade her art and words. In her book Heart Talk
She is a speaker, writer, and author Cleo Wade “Find someplace in your neighborhood to show up” Give back. Inspiring through art and the written word.
- Support women artisans Etsy’s Fearless Women – Movers, Makers, and Shakers scroll down to see inspiring Maker Stories.
- . 25 Famous Women on Their Mentors
- More ways to celebrate IWD
- Sign up to participate or find out more info or join an event InternationalWomen’s Day
- On social media use the hash tag #InternationalWomensDay #InternationalWomensDay2019
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- Small Business Interviews and Advice Pinterest
- 100 of the Most Inspiring Women of the Last 100 years (article)
How do you celebrate International Women’s Day?