15 Easy Ways To Help Spark Your Kids Love Of Reading
Do you struggle to get your kids reading? With the kids back to school reading is essential to their success, so we are sharing our reading tips. Why not make reading fun?! Making reading fun will help your kids love reading every day. We have 15 Easy Ways To Help Your Kids Want To Read.
Kids Reading

Bonus, we are sharing new books we received from National Geographic Kids, fun ideas, kids reading tips and resources to help you spark your kids love for reading.
“I received these books for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) and National Geographic Kids to share my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links at no charge to you.”
Do you ever ask yourself; How to get your kids reading more?
Or interested in nature and the world? You might remember this post: Books Worth Reading About Nature
- I talked about making a travel case for magazines and books
- DIY Reading Nooks and Tee Pees for having a space to read
- Plus I shared nature books for the younger kids
Who helped you learn to read? First a little back story of why I love reading so much. Plain and simple it started as a kid. My mom would read to us, and have us read to her. My youngest daughter is a teenager now. I love reading and discussing books with Sammie. When I visit my grandkids I love reading to them and having them read to me. Sharing books we love and the love of books.
How do you get your kids to read more?
How do I encourage my child to read?
Learning to read in a tech age might not be what it used to be, like when we were kids. But, certain books (and companies) have integrated their books to have companion activities for the books. (See number 1 and 2 under Explorer Academy The Nebula Secret)
- Making reading a priority, setting time aside for kids to read and do activities related to reading. This will help make kids want to read more.
- One thing you can do is have them create reading goals and reward them for reaching their goals with the reading activities . Rewards can be as simple as reading reward stickers
to getting a new book…..
- Free Printable Reading Book Log (CLICK TO PRINT) or view it without overlay. This is for personal use. If you share this free printable please link to this post. (more free printables)
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15 Easy Ways To Encourage Your Kids To Read!
- Pick books that are fun for kids like Fact & Fiction books, like National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019
- Pick books that have topics about exploration filled with facts or fiction books based on adventures of real-life explorers like The Nebula Secret
This book has code-breaking puzzles, and a fun storyline that encourages observation, reasoning, and problem-solving. (ages 8-12)
- Make kids art and craft projects around the books theme or something in the book
- Cook or Bake foods related to the books your kids are reading (Santa Cookies) (Birds Nest Krispie Treats) (Lion Cupcakes)
- Sew or make costumes related to the books your kids are reading (no sew Coraline costume, Little House on the Prairie Costume Part 1 & Tips and Little House on The Prairie Costume Part 2 & Sewing Tips for Patterns Wirt costume no sew and sewing options)
- Join in animal rescue to protect animals their habitat (Related to the book’s animal you are reading. See below how you can do this.)
- Watch videos or a movie related to your book
- Create a reading challenge for your kids (summer reading book printable) (Book Challenge Printable)
- Make a 15-20 minute quite-time with reading (have them pick out books to read quietly and record how many pages or books they read)
- Make bedtime include 15-30 minutes of reading together (10 benefits of reading to kids)
- Head to the library together. At the library or when shopping for books let them pick out a book that interest them, and pick one book you want them to read
- Make a Free Little Library for your neighborhood
- Travel to places you read about or read about the city you live in
- Visit fun kids sites listed below that have activities around the books your kids are reading (see below)
- Lead by example and read books with them or read a book of your own while they read, while still being there to help them
Young readers will love books like National Geographic Kids Weird but True! or National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019
. Although the recommended age is 8-12 years. Younger kids will love looking at the photos and having their older siblings or you read to them.
National Geographic Kids Books
Explorer Academy The Nebula Secret
- The Almanac website (natgeokids.com/almanac) When visiting the site I found a video of a real-life lion conservationist in the field, a fun lion quiz and an art contest for kids to make a poster for Lions Forever Almanac Challenge. It’s not about winning, it’s about being inspired to read, and participating in activities that make reading even more fun! (winning would be the icing on the cake) Kids are invited to participate in Lions Forever Challenge for a chance to win a $500 gift card to host a lion conservation party.
- The Almanac website (exploreracademy.com) You will find video book trailers, sneak-peaks of characters, a code-breaking game, and more. Plus right now is a sweepstake to win a free trip. )
Are your kids ready for chapter books?
This is a new chapter book for kids. They will enjoy reading chapter books like The Nebula Secret (a novel) The book The Nebula Secret is a fact-fiction based story, inspired by real life.
At the end of each book, it tells you what is fiction, and facts about the real explorers.
The Nebula Secret touches on these subjects
- Geography
- History
- STEM, exploration
- World cultures
Which is awesome if you are homeschooling your kids or want to spark your kids’ interest in these subjects.
- You can send your pre-order or purchase receipt for The Nebula Secret
to National Geographic Kids and receive a FREE digital issue of National Geographic Kids magazine featuring Explorer Academy games. Email your receipt to [email protected]
- The Nebula Book Series is geared towards kids ages 8-12
- You can read the first chapter of the book for free at the exploreracademy
Sammie used to love reading books like The Nebula Secret she’s a STEM high school student now. I can’t wait to share these books with my grandkids when I visit them. These books are perfect for their ages.
All the kids’ books mentioned today and ones listed below would make great gift ideas for kids.
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Books for kids