Big Birthday Bash and Sale! + Free Online Classes!
I have a few things I thought you might be interested in. I spotted a free week of online classes. Hollar! I dove in and searched a few to amp my learning and hone some of my photography, food photography and other crafting and creative skills up. I thought you might like to check it out. If you are creative you are going to love this! Are you ready to learn something creative? The best part is if you like the free online classes you can catch a big sale at a big value. I have all the details below.
Not what you are looking for? You might like to check out our craft ideas.
Big Birthday Bash and Sale!
First, let me tell you about the BluPrint online classes I spotted and are making it worth it for me. You might like these picks too?
- I dove into this online photography class called Flat Lay – Pro Photography Tips by Brooke Lark – Girl if you are into Instagram, social media or a blogger this is going to be so helpful to you. Whether you are a food blogger, beauty blogger, stylist, or fashion. These tips will amp up your flat lay game.
- Then I love fashion, sewing, sewing costumes and restyling. My favorite online sewing class I spotted was this Re: Fashion sewing with Marcy Harriell (the favorite episode is a girls night out and her DIY DC Hero Costumes. She has a Wonder Woman and Batman Costume both are pretty AMAZING! If you sew, you must go. (Sewing mamas this is inspiration plus! But if you need basic sewing skills they have many sewing classes to pick from!)
- Make these DIY Custom Jeweled Barretts Get your sparkle on. Add to your back to school look, date night look or every day look with these gem-studded bobby pins. They’re so easy, you’ll want to make a few for yourself and a bunch for your besties.
What do you want to learn to make? Or learn? BluPrint probably has it. There are tons of topics to pick from. I have taken a bunch to amp up my skills and hone my crafts, photography, foodie, and sewing skills…
Online Classes Free
They have
- 7 Day Trial sign-ups
Or Monthly sign-ups + forever online classes
- 6 forever classes + 6-Months of streaming
- 12 forever classes + 12-Months of streaming
If you are new here I have blogged about a lot of classes I’ve taken over the years when BluPrint was Craftsy. All my classes are still in my library to view. I have foodie classes, food photography classes, product photography, canning classes, baking classes, and sewing…
I have shared reviews of the online classes taken (just search Craftsy in our browser to find more of my favorites)
BluPrint’s Big Birthday Bash and Sale!
Better yet head over to find out what online classes you want to take right now! If you missed the big birthday bash and sale (lasts until 7-31-2019) don’t cry, just use this link BluPrint to get yourself started for free any time of year a great deal to hone your skills.
Did you know that BluPrint is having a huge sale and freeeee week to try out their online creative classes? Which include classes for photography, cooking, baking and things like sewing and all kinds of crafts.
Join today for unlimited access to every class, pattern, project, and recipes on Bluprint.
Honestly, the best deal is the annual one! Because it includes 12 bonus classes you get to keep (forever) to your library on their site to view over and over again. When the kids go back to school you can learn something too! (My motto is always to keep learning.)
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