Review: Hills Science Diet Ideal Balance Cat Food & Pet Food Rebate
Dear Creatives, Having a pet is a big responsibility, they are part of your family & should be well taken care of. When I had the chance to receive a bag of ® Science Diet® Ideal Balance™ Cat food I was excited to take up the offer & wanted to see if it was better food choice for our cat Jade. We have had her since she was a cute kitten & want what is best for her.
.Now the Big question: Would she like Ideal Balance ?
Let me share a little about Jades experience with ® Science Diet® Ideal Balance™ Cat food. You know a picture is worth a thousand words right?!
So when we received our bag of cat food she was ready & willing to try it. Normally I don’t let her on the table, but she was anxious to see what was going on as I was cutting where you can open & it has a reseal feature at the top of the bag.
Now, I couldn’t get it into her dish fast enough! She was ready to try it. See those angry ears! Oh, my kitty! Where is your patience?
Here she is trying ® Science Diet® Ideal Balance™ Cat food for the first time! I was excited to see her enjoying it, especially after reading the bag. Natural ingredients in perfect balance for your pet — not too much, not too little.
Now you can see her smile here delighted with the taste of her new cat food!
We are delighted that she will be healthy along with being happy because she is our Siamese Princess. Now I don’t go cooking my animal food, but here are some of the ingredients that go into ® Science Diet I thought you might like to see this video & who can resist a cute cat in action?
Now after you watch this happy kitty video you can go grab your free rebate to try your own cat or dog food from Hill’s® ® Science Diet & other Special Offers! ( as long as the offer is valid on their website, so hurry & don’t delay!)
Do you have a cat or dog? or both? Do you consider their health when choosing foods?
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