
Simple Holiday Sparkle

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Dear Creatives, Its hard to believe we have entered that magical time of year. Lights go up, decor changes, we bake more & plan for making things sparkle for the holidays!


Who doesn’t love sparkle? & a little glitter?


Green beans crafterole

First up whether breaking out the ornaments & sprucing them up with glitter or making some as gifts this little glitter filled ornament tutorial is going to keep your hands glitter free.




The Ivy Cottage Blog

Now who wouldn’t love adding a little sparkle by applying glitter to a inexpensive candle? For around the house or a gift this is sure to be a hit! Not only does Amanda show you how to create the glitter candle she also shares how to make an ice encrusted candle & tissue paper candles!




Spreckled Egg

Something as simple as glittering pine-cones & having them for display adds some sparkle to a bowl, basket or add under a glass dome.







Don’t worry dear creatives I will have more glitter projects for you to add to your list! So you might want to paint a little glitter on your fingers so you’ll be able to just pick up & run when it is time to go!


What is your favorite holiday decorations to make?

Enter Giveaway! 2 days left!!

Glitter Ornament Tutorial

Candle Glitter & Tissue Tutorials

Glittered Pine-cones

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  1. LOVE the glitter! LOVE the sparkle! LOVE LOVE LOVE the magic of this special time. Thank-you for reminding me to take a breath and find my sparkle. xox

    1. Hi Danielle, Glad you love the sparkle as much as I do. I just broke out the glitter for a few projects & will be sharing soon!

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