Take Back Your Morning + Seattle’s Best Coffee
Are you ready to take back your morning? Get a little me time in? Before the rush of the day! I used to have to get up for work extra, extra early. Now that I work for myself I still get up early to take Sammie to school and work but, not at 4 am! I set up the coffee maker the night before. I can smell the coffee brewing, which lets me know when it’s ready. I get up to have a cup waking up to the joy of a freshly brewed cup of coffee while having a moment to myself.
Then check emails and get ready to hit the road (taking kiddo to school) with my travel mug <3 loving my coffee with me, then back home. Then it’s work on the computer! With another cup and some breakfast! Let me tell you a little more about why I love my coffee as much as I love taking back my mornings from the daily grind of commuting!
Take Back Your Morning
My me time is so important when you have a busy life whether working outside or inside the home.
Ways To Take Back Your Morning
- Get up early (before everyone else!)
- Begin your day with coffee
- Make a morning page or gratitude page in your journal (journaling)
- Exercise, do yoga, meditate or even pray
- Prioritize your day ( daily planner
, bullet journal
Here’s an article about the morning routines of the most successful people.
Brewing Coffee + Me Time
One easy way to take a moment to yourself is to brew up some of Seattle’s Best Coffee! You can purchase Seattle’s Best Coffee choosing from levels 1-5 or even Vanilla Seattle’s Best Coffee
and Hazelnut Seattle’s Best Coffee
. You can pick some up at your local Walmart store or on Amazon.
Seattle’s Best Coffee
I decided to try Seattle’s Best Level 3 a medium flavored coffee with balanced notes. I don’t have an automatic coffee maker right now, so I set it up the night before and first one up hits brew.
I love that I’m not the one who has to push brew in the morning anymore! I mean really who wouldn’t love waking up to fresh-brewed coffee in the morning? Especially like this! Not to mention a kiss goodbye letting me know it’s ready.
All I had to do was pour and add the cream since he pushed brew, grabbed his commuter mug, and left it on for me. Yes, I like cream in my coffee. How do you take yours?
I decided to try Seattle’s Best Level 3 coffee because it is right in the middle of the flavor spectrum, a medium blend. I love the aroma and the flavor of my selection. Want to start your day off right?! Let me show you how! Have you tried this brand of coffee yet? If so what was your favorite flavor?
How do you take your coffee?
I am a member of the Collective Bias® Social Fabric® Community. This shop had been compensated as part of a social shopper insight study for CollectiveBias® and Seattle’s Best Coffee #cbias #SocialFabric #TakeBackYourMorning as always these are my honest opinions being shared with you about my shopping experience and review of the product.
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Try these recipes that pair perfectly with a freshly brewed cup of coffee!
I like it black and also with cream sometimes. I would like to try them all
Hi Rebecca, I tried to do black coffee but, just can’t. Me too. I’d love to try the vanilla. Thanks for dropping by.
I love my coffee with coconut milk!
Oh, I don’t think I have ever used coconut milk in coffee. Might have to try that! Thanks for dropping in!