
Top Posts For DearCreatives.com and Reader Survey + Contest

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I’d like to take the time to thank each, and everyone one of my readers for following along our creative journey during 2017, and years before. What better time than February to say we love our readers! We have rounded up our top posts this past year to share with you. Just in case you might not of have seen them. We are also holding a contest you can enter just by taking our reader survey. See rules below. It’s just one way of showing how much we love our readers, and want to better serve up great content for you. 

We thought we’d have a few contests in the month of February to share the love with our readers. So stay tuned, here and on Facebook.

Reader Survey, and contest come by to enter the survey with a chance to win a gift card for your feedback. DearCreatives.com

I invite you to grab a cup of coffee, and take a peek at any of these posts or for when taking our reader survey (link below). I’d love to know what type of posts interest you the most for 2018.

What’s in it for you? The chance to win an Amazon gift card, or Paypal Cash. The survey will end Feb. 28, 2018. And winner will be announced shortly there after. This will be the first of a few reader surveys, to help us serve you better. There are 6 short sections, some multiple choice. It will probably take you 5 minutes to complete, or a few more if you share your thoughts on site. 


  • Make sure your a subscriber (if not subscribe and confirm subscription, before doing survey) Current subscribers, No reason to re-subscribe unless you did not confirm your subscription, when you signed up. 
  • You must complete the entire Dear Creatives reader survey , and hit submit 
  • All completed survey subscribers will be verified, and entry form into drawing for an $25. Amazon gift card-USA or Paypal is right at the end of the survey. 
  • Click The Rafflecopter Entry link, and then submit your form. 

Why enter if your a new subscriber? Or already a subscriber? To let me get to know you better. Pick what types of content you’d love reading this year. Example: (DIY, crafts, recipes, beauty, and fashion, lifestyle, travel or your other interests) Don’t worry, the survey is not long, and easy to fill out.

  • You will have to put the same email address as you that you are subscribed with on the form to be entered for giveaway. This way, we can contact you if you are the winner. No information is shared, and it’s secure. 
  • Winner will be selected at random through the Rafflecopter (odds based on entries)

New here? Or maybe you missed some of these reader favorite posts. 

Top posts for DearCreatives.com for 2017

  1. Looking for beginning sewing projects? Pouches are great to start with, and come in handy for pencils, and other things. 10 Simple Sewing and No Sew Zipper PouchesTutorials 
  2. We love DIY costumes for Halloween. Wirt Sew and No Sew Costume (for Cosplay or Halloween)
  3. This post has been in the top five for the last three years. How to Convert a Dress into a Kitchen Island
  4. Some of our top posts have been our wreath making posts, such as this DIY how to decorate a grapevine wreath.
  5. Lots of us work on our feet. So it’s no surprise that this DIY lavender foot soak is in the top five. Grab the tutorial, soak those barking dogs, and put up your feet. 

Top recipe posts for DearCreatives.com for 2017

  1. This easy chicken casserole recipe is a hit, although it’s call Autumn Chicken Casserole you can make it anytime of year you don’t mind heating up your oven. 
  2. Hands down this recipe brings me back to my grandmas cooking. I adapted a family recipe for to this easy, Crockpot Chicken Cacciatore 
  3. Who likes potato soup? Apparently a lot of you. If you missed it grab it here, ready in no time flat. Homemade Potato Soup 
  4. Our Huevos Rancheros Breakfast Sandwich recipe. Breakfast, and brunch lovers this is easy, and oh so good. 
  5. Love sweet breads? This Banana Bread with Crumb Topping hit the charts. 

Other Tops posts for DearCreatives.com for 2017 

  1. Honey Whipped Body Butter DIY
  2. DIY Lavender Bath Bombs
  3. Felt Tote Craft Patterns and DIYs
  4. How to Make a Crib Duvet Cover
  5. Who knew that this would consistently remain a top post? I used to color my hair myself all the time. Since my grey hair has gotten worse I head to the hair dresser for their magic. But, this is a Hair Color Review that has stood the test of time. To this day, I think of coloring my hair a color like this again. 

What are our favorite posts for 2017 on DearCreatives.com? 

  1. This 30 minute Italian Chicken Pasta Salad recipe has been one we have enjoyed making over, and over. For a quick dinner, or to take to Pot Lucks. 
  2. Our DIY No Sew Coraline Costume  (no sew) I love it when creating a fun costume is this easy. Don’t you? 
  3. This Lemon Lime Sea Salt Scrub, it’s so amazing for your hands, or body. 
  4. We had fun on this Stylish Eye Wear Trends post, with Sammie picking out her eye glasses online. I was shocked to see her fav pick but, love them too! Bonus, there’s a 50% reader discount for you. We always love it when brands share the love with our readers with big discounts or giveaways.
  5.  You know how we love crock-pot cooking, and soup recipes. This Mushroom Wild Rice Crockpot Soup is hands down a favorite new recipe. 

I’m sure there is so many more we could talk about that happened in 2017. It’s been a great year. Packed with highs, and lows. But, we’ll save the techy side of running a creative blog for another day. I’m sure I have more than a few lessons learned to share with you, stay tuned. If your interested in learning more about blogging, be sure to let me know in the comments, or by doing the survey. 

PS we have built some new pages to make finding our content easier. Here are just a few of them: Valentine’s Day Ideas, Spring Craft Ideas

We’d love to know what your favorite post has been? 

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  1. There’s so much that I enjoy readeing here. I especially love any beauty and fashion stuff but any easy diy and mexican recipes are fun too.

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