Vegetable Recipes & Country Crock #veggieworld #spon
This post is sponsored by Country Crock. I was selected for this opportunity as a member of Clever Girls Collective, and the content and opinions expressed here are all my own.
Dear Creatives, Some of you know I am taking time with Sammie to visit her older siblings & niece who live out of town. One thing I enjoy doing is cooking a healthy meal for everyone. I like trying new recipes that entice the younger crowd to try new veggies! I have come across two resources that I am using on my trip that I thought I would share them with you, along with my recipe trial.
The Resources:
- Clare Cerespo Cookbook where I decided to try one of the recipes to share with you! Clare Cerespo Cookbook is full of fun, whimsical, step-by-step recipes that young families are sure to love, along with others.The recipes are quick, easy & fun to serve. My three favorites are; Beautiful Butterflies page 27, Zucchini Boats page 37 & Cabbage Leaf Presents page 57 & I could go on so cute campfire veggie recipe….
- The second resource I have to share is on Country Crock where they have recipes, the Country Crock Chronicles where you can browse articles, along with products & where to buy. I loved browsing their recipes finding some new ones for our family (like this cinnamon roasted sweet potato recipe). The Country Crock Chronicle is an excellent resource for quick, simple tips & recipes to help make serving veggies fun. With Country Crock kids just think veggies are delicious!
- The recipe I decided to try was the zucchini boats from Clare Cerespo Cookbook.
- It was super easy to follow.
- Here are some photos from my trial run, then at the end of post where to get your free recipe book!
Besides being delicious here are some facts
- Country Crock is a good choice.
- 70% less saturated fat and 30% fewer calories than butter
- 0g trans fat
- RD approved
- Recommended in 2010 Dietary Guidelines
- 8 out of 10 kids think veggies with Country Crock are delicious
Country Crock’s Facebook page:
Country Crock’s Twitter page:!/
Are you looking for quick and simple tips and recipes to make serving veggies more fun? for fun and whimsical recipes your family is sure to love!
What is your kids favorite vegetable or vegetable recipe?
Hi there. Food on Friday:Zucchini is open for entries. This looks like a good one! I do hope you link it in. This is the link . Please do pop back to check out some of the other links. Happy New Year!
Thanks so much for the invite! I’ll be sure to drop by & link up.