Don’t Let Digestion Issues Slow You Or Your Kids Down!
Right now, staying healthy is so important. See how probiotics can help improve digestion and your kid’s digestion. I am sharing healthy living tips and gut health tips along with probiotics and probiotics for kids that we tried. There is nothing worse than feeling sluggish or having your body slow you down due to digestive issues. You know that bloating, irritated stomach feeling or even constipation or…
Who needs Probiotics
Right now your kids or you might not be getting the proper diet you and your kids need. Or exercise! Especially due to all this shelter in place, coronavirus (due to non-activity or not getting your essential groceries). This can cause problems with your digestion or a back-up in their tummies.
You need good bacteria in your gut to lower the “bad” bacteria in your gut that can cause illness or inflammation. Probiotics can replace those germs with good and helpful bacteria. Probiotics can help keep your gut healthy.*
For me, I’ve had to cancel several trips we had planned but, when getting ready to travel (after the coronavirus) using a probiotic is vital to be healthy.
As for kids’ gut health, when my four-year-old granddaughter sat on the beach when everyone else was playing. I asked her mom what was wrong and she told me she had been having trouble with her digestion and couldn’t go (poop) for days. At this age, there are many causes for digestion issues but it’s typically it is when kids aren’t eating enough leafy greens, vegetables, and fruits…
- I know tracking your kid’s potty habits might not be fun but, I created a free printable for potty training and potty tracking. If you need one it’s free to print or download, later in this post!
What Improves Gut Health
Your digestive system can be off for a variety of reasons. There are several causes for not having proper digestion. Not eating fermented foods, foods with bacteria such as yogurts. This is a natural way of adding bacteria to your diet. But, not everyone eats fermented foods or yogurt. And even sometimes when you do there are other issues that make it hard to digest foods.*
- “I received these products for free from Moms Meet ( to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.”
Kyo Dophilus Probiotics for You
That’s when a product like Wakunaga of America Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic and Kyo-Dophilus Multi 9 Probiotic
can help. The companies’ health benefits they strive for have been to deliver “friendly bacteria” to help maintain overall well-being. Their probiotics are free of GMOs, sodium, preservatives, artificial colors, dairy, gluten, and soy.
What makes kids or us out of whack with our gut health?
Examples are
- Diet or activity levels have changed
- When you are traveling
- Not getting enough exercise
- Not drinking enough water
- Eating properly
All of a sudden the kids or you aren’t feeling quite right and the problems can occur.
For me, problems occur occasionally at home and when I travel (gut health travel tips). If my body gets off schedule, lack of exercise or eating habits aren’t the same, plus not drinking enough water… When do you or your kids’ experience problems with digestion?
What are probiotics benefits?
Probiotic supplements replenish and restore microfloral balance, including your good bacteria. (what, when, why, how probiotics)
Can children benefit from probiotics?
Probiotics for Kids
When kids are young they don’t always eat what we put on their plate. Especially if you have picky eaters! This is when kids can be one way they get off track with their digestion. The Kids Probiotic helps maintain regularity, relieves occasional digestive discomfort, and promotes a healthy immune function.
This article may be of help to you if you are on the fence about making that decision or want to know more about the benefits. Plus a good rule of thumb is to consult your child’s pediatrician about adding probiotics to your child’s diet.
Can you give probiotics to young kids? The Kids Probiotic can be for children under 4 and infants, you crush and mix 1/2 a tablet in food or juice. For older kids, they can just chew the vanilla flavored tablets or you can crush or mix them, as with the younger kids. Again, talk to your pediatrician before using it.
If you are tracking your kid’s potty habits, or potty training enjoy this free printable, potty training chart. It can be used for a girl or boy.
- The POTTY TRACKING CHART can be used by adding reward stickers
to it or use felt pens to mark it off.
- New here? Be sure to subscribe to all our posts, free printables, and exclusive reader library access.
Gut Health Supplements
Wakunaga of America facts
- Wakunaga of America is a family-owned, privately-held supplement company and has been around for 30 years.
- The Friendly Trio™ that are documented in clinical studies to show various health benefits including strengthening immune function, aiding a healthy inflammatory response, and restoring beneficial bacteria.
- And remember, they are free of GMOs, sodium, preservatives, artificial colors, dairy, gluten, and soy.
- The tablets are chewable!
Our personal experience
We found these supplements to be useful and they helped keep our digestion on track. When starting to use probiotics, personally I start with half the suggested amount and build my way up. I recommend you follow the instructions that come with the supplements you purchase and what your pediatrician or doctor may advise.
I’ve tried several brands and these are comparable (that’s a win) but, what’s really nice is that this is a natural way to add bacteria to your system, as a person who gets an upset stomach when eating dairy products I found it really helpful to maintaining my health and digestion. And I’m not really into fermented foods, so this is a great way to aid your digestion. Neither are my kids.
For kids, this probiotic is easy to use. The tables are chewable and vanilla flavored. They are easy to take. I’ve blended up supplements for my daughter into smoothies, it’s another alternative to how to add the kids’ probiotic into their diet.
Storage is easy, they don’t even have to be kept in the fridge.
Where can you find probiotics?
Wakunaga of America Kyo-Dophilus Kids Probiotic and Multi 9 Probiotic can be found At local health food stores, Sprouts Farmers Market, Vitamin Cottage Natural Grocers, as well as online at Swansons Vitamins and on Amazon.
Visit for the full list of locations.
Healthy Lifestyle Tips
- 5 Easy Healthy Lifestyle Tips For Your Morning Routine
- Morning Routine Tips To Try Now
- Top 10 Ways To Stay Healthy During Flu Season
- 7 Tips For Improving Your Gut Health
- Fish Oil For Kids
- How To Get A Good Night’s Sleep
This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.